
My name is Zoe Marshall, I'm an over sharer and media personality. 

The Conscious Sex Worker

The Conscious Sex Worker

I have always been fascinated with sex workers. I just hadn't been exposed to many like Indie*.

Indie isn't your stereotypical sex worker. She is natural, freckled, curvy, with no shame in showing her body hair, self harm scars, cellulite and stretch marks. She is in the industry as a business woman.

Indie takes her work seriously and even further, she really wants to impact her clients for the better- she meets them without judgement and holds space for them to explore whatever tickles their fancy.

Indie is wise, open and will challenge the way you see the sex industry.

*Please note her name and image have been changed for privacy reasons.

The Ice Addict

The Ice Addict

The Trauma Cleaner Pt. 2

The Trauma Cleaner Pt. 2