
My name is Zoe Marshall, I'm an over sharer and media personality. 

Ask and you shall receive: Finding happiness and peace

Ask and you shall receive: Finding happiness and peace


This weeks question: When did you reach the point in your recovery where you felt genuinely happy and what helped you cope with all that sadness and stress? I felt genuinely happy again when I learnt to forgive myself and all the others I blamed for hurting me. That took so long! It is such a process. I really had to dig deep. I read a lot of books firstly to allow me to realise I was still lovable and to let go of any hate. The first self help book I read was "You can heal your life" - by Louise Hay. Just after mum died and the family broke down. Then "The power of now" - by Eckart Tolle and also "The disappearance of the Universe"- when I knew I was lost in my relationship.  Then I read "Conversations with God" by Neal Donald Walsh" that was when I really knew I wanted a better life for myself.

I had a lot of therapy. I went on retreats that were deeply healing for me. I cut out all toxic people and things from my life. You can say that any money I had saved I actually paid to heal myself. This doesn't need to be expensive. There are many places, people and books you can get very inexpensive help from. You just need to be hungry enough to find them.

I began my healing in 2006 and to be fair I am still working on developing a deeper connection with my higher self. It's an ongoing process.

Zoe x

So what's next?

So what's next?

Ask and you shall receive: Fashion inspiration

Ask and you shall receive: Fashion inspiration